Oneness - True Faith
Re: themissinglink has joined the forum Posted on: 2006/11/14 16:49
Just can't stay away
2006/11/9 0:28
From MD. (U.S.)
Posts: 82
Unconditional Love

Unconditional Love is a fine notion, but is delusion just the same. How long would this feeling of unconditional love last in a person forced to watch their own family member beaten or killed?
Even God's love is conditioned on his own benevolence.
Love is, by far, the most glorious flower in the garden of life, but is also a fragile flower which requires certain conditions in order to grow and flourish.
Human love is a feeling and a metaphysical energy that requires benevolence and the willingness to share. Without these things, there is no love.
Love can not prosper in a hostile environment.
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Re: themissinglink has joined the forum Posted on: 2006/11/14 17:19
Just can't stay away
2006/11/9 0:28
From MD. (U.S.)
Posts: 82
Rules of Reason

The first rule of reason life teaches the wise is 'to say that "I'm sure" is most surely a lie'.
To say that, "I know" can mean more than one thing, from possession of facts to doubt not existing.
The possession of knowledge is not beyond me, but certain is one thing I'll not claim to be.
Reasonable doubts I've no wish to remove, As I'm certain of nothing, I've nothing to prove.

The second life's lesson, and one all should see is, some thinigs aren't presented the way they should be.
Pictures are painted in black and in white. Questions imply that one's wrong and one's right.
Where options are few and leave no room for growth, two choices not mentioned are neither or both.
Neither are true where the facts disagree, or both may be true and in different degrees.
However clear cut any problem may seem, consider the answer need not be extreme.

The third rule of reason states all rules and laws, should be thought of as having a circumstance clause.
When applying a rule first put to the test that the rule you've applied is the one that fits best.
Make sure a rule functions the way that it should, or enforcing a law won't do more harm than good.
Circumstance dictates which rules are wise, with discretion the one rule that always applies.
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Re: themissinglink has joined the forum Posted on: 2006/11/14 17:23
Just can't stay away
2006/11/9 0:28
From MD. (U.S.)
Posts: 82
The Universal Rules of Justice

Rule #1. EVERYONE GETS EXACTLY WHAT THEY DESERVE in due time. Be it here or hereafter.

Rule #2. Rule number one will never change.
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Re: themissinglink has joined the forum Posted on: 2006/11/15 14:03
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2944

1 + 1 = Oneness

x 2 = All of us

= Add your poetry in the Articles, "Poetry Catergory"

N B with U
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