Oneness - True Faith
Re: Tpl Vs Html Posted on: 2007/4/8 22:20
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2943
fixed it, since the core has also been hacked and Tidyed by me, noticed a few bit to add and fix, so add tpl back again to the Xoopslists as should be....xhtml, html require headers (javascript doesn't and works with smarty as a template you know ) so why TPL as we are using as they are templates and so no headers need for W3C.

so now all done....the Wiki tho to fix it takes the edit portion being through a html file, unsure on why maybe requires a blank htm system dummy, which are all now tpl instead all the way through core....

since the wiki is now ok...will do a full SVN copy as soon as slow down a littel and check all is ok one love people free CMS

well weird when you check how the code is progressing already stripped it once and now scond time, may do third and final..

. big warning everyone . PHP . is meant to be string! !! ! ! doesn't-and-will-not-except-spacing!!!!
it really slows things down...its not PHP that is slow, yet peoples use of it
Please pay attention and tell others and as soon as can will inform Smarty as we just trebbled it's speed over last few weeks of learn where errors as such are in PHP, JavaScipt, Html coding and adding it all together to o finalize am actualize our copy of Xoops for all......

Anyways as you can see my writting is very compacted at the moment and best finnish our SVN while me brain is at 1000 miles an hour peace people....

N B with U
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Re: Tpl Vs Html Posted on: 2007/4/11 10:27
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2943
Well thats most of the site done now like it and you can clearly see the difference it makes......... it's like a flick book now rather then a chore to load each page....

Reason is every Html must have a header to complie, Tpl doesn't....anyways will add to SVN when done....

N B with U
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Re: Tpl Vs Html Posted on: 2007/4/11 21:44
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2943
ok multimenu done now also will add it to on the SVN did want to fix it to be 100% w3c and will....tried capture and failed it takes to long and more resources....then facing a style out of context...yet fair enough...lots of Snazzy menu's or face making one alone...will stick with loads tho don't use many others might and so make it that it works for all is always best to do.

Anyways thats most of this site...think all....will check and get all odd bits tidy....

Other thing is with this that Js load the theme so maybe a js system dummy is better and has on my home server copy and here for ahile testing and there is no repeated disk movement looking for the file it just has maybe...anyways that is Tpl of Xoops wizanda style done....

N B with U
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Re: Tpl Vs Html Posted on: 2007/4/11 21:50
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2943
Now thats confusing also, my home server copy loads slower then this due to nature of zlib open in headers, so surfing other sites also through here is faster is one point other is that on home copy have X-debug for getting to why any just then was so quick got confused.... now all Tpl as it caches zlib also, it is beginning to be think here is home copy..... yay
"Scream if you wanna go faster" Yay!!

N B with U
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