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Houston, we have a problem!
Posted on: 2005/5/28 7:51 |
There's a religion that throws a wrench in the works when it comes to combining beliefs into one true faith.
The problem comes from Christianity. "Jesus said, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one gets to the Father apart from me." (John 14:6) Jesus said He is the ONLY way to God. That kind of makes it hard to combine faiths.
In fact, the Old Testament is full of stories about people being killed for worshipping other gods than the One True God. It says God is a jealous God and will not share His glory with other "gods."
Re: Houston, we have a problem!
Posted on: 2005/5/28 22:21 |
There are many scriptures out there. Bhagavad Gita, Quran, Bible, Torah, Tao-te-Ching, etc. WHat makes one scripture to be "The true scripture"? All scriptures were written by humans. All of them have errors. To believe that God inspired one and no the other is just a matter of belief. The fact is all scriptures are written by humans. God has nothing to do with them. It is about time to understand why the Western world became Christian and to finally see that the majority of the people of the world live on the east side of the hemisphere where Christianity is not the main religion. A look at history will inform us that different "councils" like the one in Nicea, arranged which "gospels"should be in the Bible and which shouldn't. There is no God here but humans doing what they know best: changing things for their own benefit. To say that God is "jealous", that is ignorance if nothing else. To give a huaman vice (jealousy) characteristic to God is an insult... and then they even call themselves theists...
God is a soul just like us. We are souls, but we believe that we are bodies, thus we imagine God with human bodily characteristics.
Re: Houston, we have a problem!
Posted on: 2005/5/29 12:05 |
My point is just that Christianity claims to be the one, *exclusive* way to God. It leaves NO room for the "there are many paths to God" line of thought.
For example: "You shall not go after other gods, the gods of the peoples who are around you, for the LORD your God in your midst is a jealous God." (LORD here is actually the English translation of a name. It does not mean "lord" in the generic sense.")
Re: Houston, we have a problem!
Posted on: 2005/5/29 12:08 |
Oops. Forgot to say that came from Deuteronomy 6:14-15 (though it is an often repeated thought throughout the Bible).
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