Oneness - True Faith
Re: The Meaning of Life Posted on: 2005/5/29 19:55
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2921
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Re: The Meaning of Life Posted on: 2005/5/30 13:53
Thank you for replying.
Unfortunately your explanation is not consistent with reason.
The following follows:

1) "Dimensions being levels in which we live": It is evident that we live in some dimensions like lenght, width, depth, time-space, gravity as you mentioned. However, you mentioned that anti-matter is the opposite of matter.
It is not reasonable to be able to live in 2 opposites. You are either in A or B but no both. Moreover, anti-matter is not the opposite of matter, IT IS MATTER, composed with particles with sign reversal (electromagnetic charge).
This is science, the rest is science fiction.

2) "Spirit makes up all things": I don't know what you mean by "spirit" but then you mentioned about " God has given me an almost photographic spirit, in which I remember both past life's and what I viewed whilst dead."
What are "all things"?
A rock, a computer, an animal a plant, etc.. ? Do they have spirits? I wonder if God is playing "favorites" and giving some a "photographic spirit" and no to others...

3) "matter is visible anti matter is non visible.": You are half-way right. anti-matter is in matter. Science cannot deal with anything but matter which can be visible or invisible as quantum scientists can tell you.

4) "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, so for matter to hold it's self up, there is anti matter."
The Law of action and reaction exists in matter. If something opposite did exist, the law also has to be the opposite, in other words, for every action there is NOT an equal and opposite reaction. This law desn't proof the existence of an opposite of matter, as a matter of fact, there are no "opposites" but rather a complementary.

5) "As for God being the 13th dimension, a dimension must contain the dimensions below it all things in the universe are contained by something, so God is all of the dimensions."
This premise is not reasonable. If God is all of the dimensions, as explained above He couldn't be "opposite" as in matter and anti-matter according to your own definition. God also should have a lenght, a width a depth, etc.. and as we all know, there is not something like that. If you are trying to say that God is "omnipresent", then this is a huge mistake.
All western religions talk about God as "the Father". You cannot have a relationship with everything and call it the "Father"...otherwise, if God is everywhere, He should also be in cats and dogs, etc... Irrational.

6) "the part that gets me and why I say it as if it is a fact, is that the commandments and the I-Ching's numerology align perfectly with this same pattern."

Those are all books written by humans and thus prone to mistakes. I could write a book too and my followers select it as "divine" and defend it to death, even though irrational it may be. We have our intellects, our reason to recognize who God is and to recognize true knowledge.
Your expereince is yours and that becomes your reality, but it cannot be called "the reality" when reasoning is not aligned with it.

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Re: The Meaning of Life Posted on: 2005/5/30 18:33
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2921

Ok i give up, we will never find the meaning of life because we are not even talking about the same thing.

I can't explain a car, i can tell you how it works, but the person who made it could, all i am saying is as i saw things

Science dosen't always get it right, as you say

So what is the meaing of life then???
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Re: The Meaning of Life Posted on: 2005/5/31 14:06
As It was said in previous posts; We are eternal souls. God is another soul. We take bodies. Because of this, we go through the dualism of matter (happiness, suffering - remembering, forgetting- victory, defeat - day, night, etc.) also know as Ying-Yang by others or even "entropy" if applied to this change between 2 states. All souls are different in their capacities (intellects, abilities, etc.) and they have a predetermined role which they play when they take a body. This predestined role is not "you" but it is what you have to play at a certain time. You the soul take different bodily lives and therefore have different roles to play. Thus, the meaning of life in this material world is to experience and to express our particular role. Since we are eternal, we act different roles. We normally get caught up with one "life", we normally have a limited vision therefore, we can't see life in an unlimited vision, as a soul but rather as a perishable body.
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