Oneness - True Faith
It Was Known the Messiah is Born in UK Posted on: 2020/8/27 9:21
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2885
'And England shall admit a Jew, You think this strange, but it is true, The Jew that once was held in scorn, Shall of a Christian then be born.' - Mother Shipton.

'Creme claimed Maitreya is the "Avatar for the Aquarian Age", is omniscient and omnipresent, and has lived in London since 19 July 1977.' - Benjamin_Creme

In the Film 'The Kid Who Would be King', Alexander Elliott is a boy born in the UK, who is the King (Messiah) to fight the evil armies. - Joe Cornish


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Re: It Was Known the Messiah is Born in UK Posted on: 2020/12/22 18:14
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2885
Sorry forgot to include I was born December 6th 1977 - UK, Nottingham.

Benjamin Creme did amazing at getting the Year and Country right.

Our birth certificate name is Alexander Elliott.

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