Oneness - True Faith
Re: Are Visitors from Space misinterpreted? Posted on: 2005/11/2 3:38
Wow thats funny..I cannot possibly save humanity by telling the truth. All its done in 35 yrs is draw the wrath of Lucifer down on me. I wish these were fairy tales, but they are not. For 15 yrs I have talked to abductees face to face at seminars, on the internet in chat rooms, and have even had 3 tall greys manifest in my living room to threaten me because of the truths I am telling here. Plus the bible talks of nefilim, who were giants of old that ruled earth before the flood. One of the reasons for the flood was the almalgamation of man and beast, done by fallen angels.

And let us not forget that the reports from majestic 12 tell us the aliens they are in contact with; tell us, there is no God, but we are Gods. That smacks of Lucifers rheteric to me...And that makes sense scince he made them and controlls them by fear. Our Father on the other hand rules by love..And thats where I stand too..loving you man!
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Re: Are Visitors from Space misinterpreted? Posted on: 2005/11/2 17:14
you need some serious spiritual and emotional awakening if you think that the universe is teeming with Satans minions and Gods angels. That's all i have to say... you have put a strange spin on everything that has happened to you, and never stopped to think about how simple it just may be, and how true some things you hear just might be. If an alien landed and told me that he was a God, i'd know exactly what he's talking about. He's the person/s we call Gods and angels etc. from old times. It's very simple. As we started our becoming of who we are, we began to get in touch with our emotions and feelings, and we began to document things we were seeing (it was really our first phase of awakening) and feeling. Now 2000 years ago, there were no philosophy or psychology books... if you had a temptation you documented it as someone or something making you do it. Why?! because we began to understand what was right and what was wrong, leaving behind our animal instincts, we embraced our true(modern) human consciousness. So as these things started to occur, and we began to evolve, we were feeling and seeing things we'd never payed attention to before. It's very simple dude! please evolve with me! Think outside of Earth, do not get stuck here in man's ego's, power, and greed. There's nothing to gain from holding onto old beliefs and not analyzing them for what they really are. All you're doing is taking everything you're learning, and applying your same old religious beliefs to every bit of it.
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Re: Are Visitors from Space misinterpreted? Posted on: 2005/11/4 20:32
Isn't here where the argument should take place on aliens and not who is the devil thread?
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Re: Are Visitors from Space misinterpreted? Posted on: 2005/11/4 21:23
I think it really fits both, dude over there thinks that aliens are Devils and Angels... and i am saying the same hing, but he just doesn't seem to notice it lol. He forgets what turning aliens into devils and angels does, it makes a mythology of the truth. To just accept them as beings that are far more evolved than we are... ah we start to get somewhere, their intentions are unknown to the public, don't deem them devils and his minions just because you haven't taken the time to understand it from both sides.
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