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The location of the Garden of Eden?
Posted on: 2005/9/26 11:57 |
Just popping in
Joined: 2005/9/24 20:33
From California
Where was the Garden of Eden "Physically" located? What type of evidence supports your answer?
Re: The location of the Garden of Eden?
Posted on: 2005/9/26 14:51 |
Hi Scotty, this is dude here, If I remember right, the garden of Eden used to be where Iraq is today. The bible says it was bordered by the euphrates, and tigris rivers, plus another river that isnt there anymore. Now its my understanding the Garden of Eden was taken up to heaven, just before the great flood of Noahs day. It doesnt say much in the bible, except that an angel was put at its gate. In a book by sister White, a 7th day adventist prophet in the 1800's, where her attending angel told her it was taken up to heaven. Theres a good chance it will come back to earth during the kingdom age of Dan 2:44, Ez 36:21-28 and Jer 4:4&5... It does say in Ezekial 36, that the heathen looking on ssay, this looks like the garden of Eden..The kingdom of God starts with the New Jerusalem landing on earth, on a high hill, over in that area. The angels talk about Jesus touching the mount of olives with his feet, and splitting this mountian into a huge valley for his saints to come to for safety. This is when the loud cry of Rev 18:1, happens or Babylon has fallen, come out of her my people... Many of the old testament prophecys talk about this coming kingdom age with the "garden of eden" and the new jerusalem...
Also there seems to be a special resurrection of the wavesheaf, before the kingdom comes to earth. Because John saw Jesus riding a white horse coming to earth, with 10,000 times 10,000 saints, riding white horses behind Jesus, following him to earth. These appear to be 200 million martyers since the time of the cross, who have been resurrected, taken to heaven, then brought back with the new jerusalem to start up the kingdom of God with. Gods kingdom smashes the papacy and protestantism so hard, it destroys these "dragon" worshipping systems. It says in revelation that they worship the dragon. Its done by doctrine. The dragon (satan) says that all humans are immortal, that sunday is saqcred, and pushes a form of spiritualism that is a false spiritual movement of the real Holy Ghost. They say tounges and healing are all from God, they dont test the spirits anymore. Now God and Jesus both say that man is not immortal, the 7th day sabbath is sacred, not sunday; and to test the spirits because fasle spiritualism is in the church. Tounges is demonic 50% of the time when tested.
So you see we have the bride of Jesus worshipping the drago, by preaching satans doctrine. The kingdom of God, along with the Garden of Eden will smash and kill these false christian religions. So to answer your question, the garden of eden is apparently in heaven, fixing to come back real soon, along with the new jerusalem, to kill apostocy, and dragon worship...Dude out
Re: The location of the Garden of Eden?
Posted on: 2005/9/26 17:12 |
Joined: 2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
The Bible clearly shows that the Garden of Eden was on earth as all the plants and creatures are here. When I died though I went through the oak tree; which was a tree of life to most of nature, it was in touch with all plants on the ground and connected by a microscopic fungus, linking most things together on a symbiotic level. The reason I say about this is that in front of it were two flashing swords, similar to what is discussed guarding the tree of life in Genesis. I feel one of the problems with us understanding all of this, is since the fall; we have been getting drunk which lowers our frequency. Most of nature is on a higher frequency then we currently exist at. Yet this was not always the case, what I saw when I died is that all of nature can communicate. The oak trees being a center to all of this and while I was in the oak; I could feel through the roots, what other plants needed and when it was time to rain. Also I could ask for it to rain or release more oxygen or things that others needed within this great circle of life. Mainly all of this is again reiterating oneness, life on a whole was oneness, and the world was at one. There was no want or need, yet if someone takes more then they need, as in the story in Genesis this whole circle falls apart. So instead of us being part of this; understanding most creatures and plants feelings, we lost touch and so as such were kicked out of this frequency of life. Saying all of this though, when I was spoke to at 15 by God and the whole of heaven; the voices that were with God's voice were the Mayans, American Indians and people from Zanda in Tibet. All of these cultures have lived at one with nature, Revelations only confirms this, when it says those who are destroying the earth will be destroyed. So it looks like if all the prophecy is correct, also many things concerning the photon belt. Again the world will be restored to its higher frequency, those trapped in the 666 of reality, will be in a mess, as the frequency may over whelm them. In other words yes Eden is here!
Re: The location of the Garden of Eden?
Posted on: 2005/9/26 20:35 |
Hi Wizanda, that microscopic fungus, linking the oak tree with the rest, in a symbiotic relationship, must have the coreesponding magnetic field that links this all together. Our wonderful and mighty Creator, uses science in its most intimate form, to make things work like this. I am familiar with some tribe of old, who worshipped oak trees. This is probably why, because it would seem its at the top of the ecosystem in some ways. However we know it is wrong to worship creation, but are to worship the Creator instead.
Its amazing how satan has lied, and duped so many humans by pretending to be this god or that god, telling lies and getting people to worship trees and such. I think it is the druids that worship the oak tree, in fertility rites even to this day. What a powerful servant for Jesus they would be, if they could only see Him, for who He really is, Jesus that is.
Speaking of 666 realitys, did you know that all of earth is a carbon based life ecosystem; to include human beings. Carbon is 6 protons, 6 nuetrons and 6 electrons. Carbon is 666, so all life on earth is 666.. In order for that to change, we have to become something other than a carbon based ecosystem. When Gods kingdom comes to earth and smashes dragon worship to death, its possible we will change elements then. I know Jesus has a new body, and we will recieve a new body, also the earth and the heavens are made new. Its possible we might not be carbon based after that re-new-all, but something else.. just a thought..dude out...peace to you wizanda..
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