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Are Visitors from Space misinterpreted?
Posted on: 2005/9/27 23:49 |
Just can't stay away 
Joined: 2005/9/25 0:48
From Stockton California
Could the UFO's the ancients saw be of such great technology, and put them in such awe that they mistakingly called them God and worshipped them? The prophets of the old testament were clearly instructed by space beings who came to them when they called on the name of Yahweh, and instructed them of what to say to the people of Earth. Were they simply just trying to send a message of peace and good will to the peoples of earth in a effort to stop the corruption and evil that maybe they had gone through in their pasts? This does not discredit God, it simply ponders the question... are Gods Angels really aliens? Maybe once we have the technology it will be made known to us as well. For it is known that we are all angels... we just need to awaken and become a part of the universal society, and the only way to do this is to practice the words of the prophets, love, peace, and togetherness. Would you want a primitive (humans) hostile race intruding on your universe if you had the technology to traverse it?
Re: Are Visitors from Space misinterpreted?
Posted on: 2005/9/29 1:02 |
Hi David, if aliens, means not living or from earth, then angels could be aliens.. Because earth was made for mankind. Angels were made for the courts of heaven, it would seem. There have to be many planets with life on them. In Job we are told all the sons of God, were at a meeting with God, then satan walked in, uninvited and wanted Job.. We know the story. However wat we miss is the "sons of God" thing. Who are they? I think they are the first two created beings of other worlds, like Adam and Eve. If Adam and Eve had not fallen, they would be at this meetimg, as the ambassadors of planet earth. "sons of God"
Sister White, a 7th day adventist was taken out of her body and taken to some other planets that had not fallen. She said they looked like people, but in the express image of Jesus, whatever that means. She also saw Enoch on a certian planet and they chatted for a bit. Now probably there are other dimensions that have different kinds of life forms, however all sister White saw was people, like on 3 different planets. Some say there are at least 99 planets of people, because the bible says Jesus left the 99 sheep, to fetch the one lost sheep. I dont know if we can use that, but its a thought. I feel Definatly that UFOs are used to transport angels, and the 24 elders and other humans from other planets, in this war over earth, with satan. A friensd of mine has a NASA video. In the space just outside of earth, the second heaven, ya can see a ufo shooting at another ufo, coming in from deep space. They are fighting it out. Now satAn cannot hit one of heavens ufos, but he can make them dodge and stall them. Remember when Daniel had that vision, then 40 days later an angel appeared and told Daniel about the vision? The angel said,"I would have been here sooner, but the principality of Persia opposed me, and it took me 40 days of fighting to get past him; but now I am here". They probably were slugging it out in ufos...This stuff is easy to see when ya compare bible verses with nasa film footage, ect. I suspect Enoch, Moses, and Elijah all have a ufo from heaven assigned to them. Someday I will get mine. Maybe you'll get one too David, wouldnt that be cool....We serve a wonderful God, and the bible says we have no clue, what He has in store for us, once the devil and sin are killed off. I can hardly wait.. dude out...peace
Re: Are Visitors from Space misinterpreted?
Posted on: 2005/9/29 4:53 |
Just can't stay away 
Joined: 2005/9/25 0:48
From Stockton California
thank you once again dude for responding, i think we're getting to know each other quite well... i'ved seen that nasa footage as well... and it appears that someone is shooting at someone as well... thanks again dude, i'd type more but i am on a labtop and i'm having troubletyping :) peace out love you all
Re: Are Visitors from Space misinterpreted?
Posted on: 2005/9/30 5:03 |
Hi David, Dude here - so you have seen that Nasa footage. thats remarkable dude. I have been trying for 15 yrs to get somebody to talk to me about Ufos, in churches; and they just look at me like I am wierd, and say, Heaven doesnt need ufos. and thats as far as they will go. Your the third person I have met who knows about that film. I have about 15 really good ufo videos.. I have some other Nasa film footage (video) showing about 30 ufos parked just outside our atmosphere. The someone from the american continent shoots at one of them with a blue beam. Could be an elctro-magnectic impluse that is laser driven. Anywho this beam is the speed of ligt, but this ufo just moved out of the way as it came for it. Thats means that ufo is fatsre than the spped of light, now the ufo saw it coming. Now how do ya see something coming like that, its as fast as the speed of light? I dont know if computors are that fast. Anywho, when that ufo moved, all thirty ufos moved and reshuffled to different places, then stopped and hovered, just like they were before we shot that beam of light at it. My question is, if this is the pentegon doing that, and if these are Heavens ufos, where does that put america, in relation with God? Do ya think Jesus takes it lightly when we shoot at Heavens Ufos. Could these be satanists, who have worked their way into technology that is classified, who are doing this? Man, this is something else. How long will God stand by and let us shoot at his Ufos antways? This is really a unique time to be living in. lol David, peace out to you too. Hey have ya ever been to a rainbow gathering.. you sound like a reformed They use to call me a Jesus freak, back in them days, I am 55 soz its been ahwhile.. later man. God love you...
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