Your name has two very imporant symbols to me, and I feel compelled to ask you something. Why are you looking for a church? Do you need a group of people who believe as you do, or do you need the guidelines of a church?
Most religions seem to teach their followers that the only way to communicate with God is through them. I was fortunate this was not the case. I have always felt an open communication. I truly don't believe you can never be away from God, just not listening.
For years I felt like something was missing. I was raised in a Christian faith, alittle off the main path, but strict in a different sense than the Catholic. It was a good starting point, but I still saw too much hypocrisy.
Recently I have discovered Paganism, which is nothing like we learned in school, from movies, books, adults, or anywhere. Pagan literally means "country dweller". As a religion, there are as many different "churches" as there are in Christianity. You also don't have to give up any beliefs you feel are important to you. A big eye opener
We don't believe in a devil
This was made up by the Christians. If you are interested in more info. along this line, let me know. Otherwise, good luck on your search.
Bright Blessings, diamondove