Oneness - True Faith
Re: Could the Christ of the Christian religion be the AntiMessiah? Posted on: 2005/10/25 22:58
Not too shy to talk
2005/10/17 21:13
From Springfield, Mo
Posts: 47
To Bill613, thats a good question. It depends on wat christian religion you are referring to. Sunday keepers have a different Jesus, than sabbath keepers. And the bible tells us, there are different christs. By this, I mean that, if Satan materialized and pretended to be Jesus; saying, "yes I have changed ths 7th day sabbath to sunday sacredness". Then this "jesus" is the anti-messiah. If this "Jesus" said that all souls are immortal, then this would be the anti-messiah.. Because the bible teaches saturday sacredness, and that man is not immortal, unless Yashua and the Father, give you immortality.

Now a vision was given to a sister White in the early 1900's about satan manifesting as jesus. She said she saw he would appear exactly as the description given in Revelations 1: 13-16 - And there was one like the son of man, his hair and head was white like wool, and white as snow, and his eyes were as a flame of fire. And his feet like fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace, and his voice as the sound of many waters. He had in his right hand seven stars and out of his mouth a sharp two edged sword. His countenance was like the sun in its greatest strength.

This is what satan will look like when he manifests as Jesus, and his doctrine will be sunday sacredness and immortality of all souls. This is the christ of sunday keeping churches, or at least the doctrines they preach, so they will fall in line with satan, especially if he is allowed to impersonate Yashua from a biblical reference like Revelations 1:13-16.. Now sabbath keeping christians will know this is a false christ, because only the sabbath is sacred and we know man is not immortal, we will not follow or believe this brilliant entity is Jesus, but will know this is satan pretending to be Jesus. The sunday keeping churches are setting themselves up for a fall, by the doctrines they preach. Its too bad too, because many dear, wonderful people are trapped in these stuctures who truely love the Lord. God has an answer to all of this, his ways are higher than ours, and his wisdom is better than ours. God has a plan, to counter Lucifer/satan manifesting like this. It will be the New Jerusalem landing on earth to start up the kingdom of God age, spoken of in Dan 2:44..

That was a good question Bill613, I can only hope you find this answer. You might be gone now..peace

Ezekial 28: 18-20 And God shall cause a fire to spring up in satan, and he shall burn up in front of the saints, and never shall he be anymore.
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