Not too shy to talk
Joined: 2005/10/17 21:13
From Springfield, Mo
Tranceformation of America, by Cathy Obrien and Mark Phillips is a book by a surviver of this programming. She was bought at age 5, in 1961; by Gerald Ford, who was just getting into politics, shortly after this. She was sent to special schools and tortures, to futher split her personalitys. One personalty was a sex slave for Bush sr and Dick Cheney and Reagon, during the 70,s. She also had a personality for courier dutys. In other words they would give her a message for King Fahad of Saudi Arabia, she would go there, He would trigger the personality that had the message, she would give the message, then King Fahad would trigger her back into another personality, that would not remember what she had just done. She would come back to Bush sr, who was vice president then, and he would trigger her alternate personality and get the message back from King Fahad, then trigger Cathy agian, so she didnt remember what she just did. They used her for about 20 yrs like this.
At the age of 30, she was slated to be sacrificed in front of a bunch of kids in the program, to induce splitting of their persoinalitys. But a guy ( Mark Phillips) found out, rescued her, and they hid out in alaska for 7 years, while getting her deprogrammed. They wrote a book called, Tranceformation of America, and sent one to every member in Washington D.C. Congress opened up investigations, but national security shut it down and wouldnt let them proceed any farther. Its a national security issue, you see. They probably infiltrated national securiy first with these victoms, so they could cover their backs if it ever got exposed, which it did..
Cathys words from the book..In 1977 I was a 19 yr old mind controlled programmed slave in the cia/dia Project Monarch Freedom Train operation, literally owned by U.S. senate majority leader Robert C. Byrd.. As Birds "own little witch" (sex slave), I would become involved in covert government operations. This required i develop more personalitys so I was married of to satanist "Cox".. Cox became my primary handler, and followed Bryds orders to split my mind even more, and to make sure I was where I needed to be, at the appointed times.
Cox took me to Senators Johnstons office, who progranmmed me along the lines of the philidelphia experiment. He explained to me that we ripped a hole in time and discoverd trans-dimensional time travel. So now we are on the moon and on mars.. We took a plane to an air force base, once in flight he accessed my sex slave program, and brutally raped me.. When we landed at tinker air force base, a uniformed man came up to us and called senator Johnston, Cap'n, which tied into my peter pan programming used for other things.
I have been taken to NASA for more mind shattering, a very high level satanist was there named Thomas Aquino, who did occultic ritual mind controll programing. He runs the temple of SET, in Austin, tx.. and is an international level satanist, tied in at the top levels. I was prostituted to many generals in the military, and used as a courier for them also. They took me to Huntsville, alabama; for special torture, to develop an alternate personlaity to carry military secrets back and forth. Each time I was sent on a courier mission, I was brutally raped as part of my continued trauma, to keep my mind fractured, so they could control me, and also keep the different personalitys in me, they needed to access for various purposes.
In the fall of 1985, the same part of me that met Daniel Ortega was walking with (reagen appointed) CIA director William Casey. Casey began by manipulating my Jesuit/vatican programming base personality with the expertise indicative of the union, between the vatican and CIA operations. Referring to my mind comtrolled operations in Haiti, with baby Doc; I was prepared to "religiously accept", any and all I was told. I believed that the revolution in Hiati was a holy war, never capable of realizing it was a test run battle for the minds there.
Absolute mind controll is the only existance I ever knew untill Mark Phillips rescued me and hid me out in alaska and de-programmed me. As My eyes open and I realized what they had done to me, I became enraged. I began recovering at the rate of 18 hrs a day thru intensive therapy designed to restore memory, and ultimatly my mind.
The bottom lines is, Cathy did not volunteer for any of this. Her dad sold her to the CIA at age 5. She was then considered government property and they tortured her to spit her mind into many fragments, to create alters who do not know each others. Cathy is just one of millions that have been snatched, and run into these programs, and like the many of these victims remember, religion is the biggest target to infiltrate and control.
They also are doing this in england, and russia; because they all got piesces of this from occupying germany at the end of the war. That why Dr green, and Dr Menegle have been seen in america, england and russia. These people were given free passes to travel to all these mind controll areas to mass produce satanists, hiding behind a front personality of some kind.
I really feel wizanda, you seem to be one of these. Your threads and post reflect at least 2 different personalitys who, say, things like' "satan is real", Then turn right around and say,"satan is not real".. Its the same thing with the paul stuff, a lot of wat you use is taken out of context, and destroys wat you do use, in context.. Its a real mess because you have one personality proving a point, then another personality comes along and destroys the point.. Its all over your writings and thats probably why no one is listening to much. You come off as a quack! Somethings going on with you dude.. This is really a delimma here, I am not sure wat to do about it? I do love you tho, and am on your side..O.K. peace in oneness....
Cathy has a web site called, Tranceformation of America. Maybe you can access it, and get references for de-programming..just a thought