Oneness - True Faith
Re: 7th Beggar & Olam Have Sentenced the Israelis Posted on: 2024/5/22 10:04
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2922
Olam Chesed Yibaneh & the 7th Beggar have rejected the prophesied offer to save the Jewish people before the Great Tribulation.

The pair of them think it is funny to troll an Avatar sent before Judgement Day for years; where I've repeatedly tried to explain religious prophecy at a global scale - where variations of our name are found in many of the world's religious ideas.

As far as I understand based on the prophetic timelines in Revelation 19:12, it tells us that the Messiah has a New Name, and only he knows that name; if we exegete Revelation 3:12, that shows us what the name is:

Revelation 3:12 He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar (Sandalphon) in the temple of my God, and he will go out from there no more. I will write on him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God (Zion), the new Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from my God, and my own new name (Sananda).

I thank 7th for the last 18 years of saying the opposite to many religious ideas, as then I've then had to look them up. This fulfils Rabbi Nachman's story of the Tale of Seven Beggars, as for every lack the Seven Beggars have, there is also something profoundly opposite. Thus on many things that 7th a professor of Kabbalah hasn't understood, I've then studied loads to prove to myself the Biblical texts are accurate, and the scholars haven't actually studied enough.

For years I was telling 7th that I fulfilled Revelation 10 three years before reading the Bible, and when 7th stated "there are no Archangels in Judaism that sound anything like Sananda", which I'd known is the new name of Christ before starting our conversations 18 years ago, I then went to look it up specifically in Kabbalistic angelology, to see if it was fundamentally the opposite.

This is where I discovered that Sandalphon was the Archangel who is a Pillar on the base of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. This then aligns that in Revelation 10:1, it tells us the Archangel who comes down is a Pillar, and the same in Revelation 3:12, that the name references correlate to show that the naming of the Messiah is in alignment with the name of the New Jerusalem (Zion), the New Name of Christ (Sananda), the Name of the Bible's deity, and the name of the Archangel who is a Pillar in the Temple of God (Sandalphon).

Recently I've just done loads of extra study, on where Zion becomes a symbolic naming of the returning Messiah in all these verses.

Thus in Revelation 19:17-18 it aligns with Ezekiel 39:17-20, where the Zionist (Gog) have taken the 'land back by force' in Ezekiel 38:8-12, with the help of Magog (Christendom) supporting them. At the end of Ezekiel 38, they are warned by the spirit of the Creator - where I've been specifically named after the Creator in many of the world's religions before Judgement Day (Zechariah 14:9), where 7th & Olam have publicly declared that they've rejected the offer from their Divine Being to help save the Israelis.

They both want me to write to the Beth Din (Jewish High Court) in an effort to establish a case, that they've been planning on murdering billions of people. Yet considering it is already prophesied that when they reject the offer Judgement comes, it will only be to implicate the Beth Din as well, that they also had prior knowledge that Judgement Day was coming.

Having written to Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis just before October 7th, as a final warning before these things take place. I'm not impressed at the level of comprehension that most seem to have, when the implications prophesied are so massive.

I'd like to apologize to all people globally, that I've failed to explain to 7th & Olam that mankind will suffer from their lack of action, and that in them choosing to go against Messianic prophecy, they've decided to sentence billions of people to death.

N B with U
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Re: The 7th Beggar has Rejected Messianic Prophecy for the Rabbinic Jews Posted on: 2024/6/16 14:35
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2922
7th is just consistently deleting everything I say to him in the chatroom, in the hopes that if he doesn't interact, then maybe his role in prophecy will disappear.

As prophesied we're on the verge of Armageddon in the Middle East, with the Messiah back before it, having shared with 7th what was required to prevent it.

Thus wrote this poem for 7th, though he deleted each line regardless of the impending consequences:

Time ticking away before Armageddon,
Opportunity lost claiming to follow the religion;
People suffering as bad intention,
Standing against the Messianic prophecy with no comprehension.
Rhyming prophets with complications,
Dumb scholars with no risk of implications;
Not so smart Jewish professors following them with no hesitation -
Yet can they be wise, and change the Rabbinic Jews destination?
Consistent in standing against Hebraic contemplations,
Destining many to complete annihilation.
Desperately attempting to keep jurisdiction,
Whilst unintentionally causing everyone's extinction.

N B with U
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Re: The 7th Beggar has Rejected Messianic Prophecy for the Rabbinic Jews Posted on: 2024/6/24 19:21
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2922
Since 7th is fed up with me asking him to spare mankind for 18 years, he has now issued another new policy in his room, that I'm not allowed to speak about him & Olam choosing to cause the death of billions of people, else he will ban me for ever.

I've just written a letter to the London Beth Din informing them of the coming judgement on mankind, unless we can fix these religious situations globally.

Since I'm an eternal optimist, even though scripture says I will get ignored before Judgement Day, and God told me as a child my message wouldn't travel as far as I'd wished, I'm still always hopeful that the Beth Din will reply, else most will soon cease to exist.

It is shocking that the Rabbinic experts I've appealed to over the last 20 years online, have decided to leave humanity to be destroyed, and I'm ever hopeful that some of you reading this don't want us all to be wiped out.

Regardless of any of these experts understanding their religious texts, according to prophecy I get to choose who is in our Book of Life, and then those recorded will be resurrected into the Age to Come.

If you'd like to understand what is required to be counted worthy, please read through the site; if you want to discuss it with us, feel free to join our Facebook group - Fair Theological Dialogue.

N B with U
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Re: The 7th Beggar has Rejected Messianic Prophecy for the Rabbinic Jews Posted on: 2024/8/5 12:33
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2922
Since 7th believes everything that I've said has happened to me in my life is all made up, and all the religious textual data is my own interpretations, he has now banned me from using the word "reality", as apparently I do not use it correctly.

He has also banned me from using the word "understand", "academic", "scholarly", "Jewish", "Judaism", "intertextuality", "context", "assume", "lie", etc...

Where any time I put forward ideas from religious texts, as if it is a fact that many ascribe to, I've got to say "I believe", and if it is my definitions of texts, I've got to say "in my interpretation".

Basically it is like talking to a mini-dictator in a small Stanford Experiment chatroom, who clearly has mental issues, and what is worse is Olam has also been taught to maintain the same control mechanisms - like a pair of SS guards choosing to send the Jews to slaughter.

Please note, anyone who supports us in their chatroom will also be bullied out of any free speech, anyone who sucks up to their suppression of information, will most likely get to be an moderator/admin.

So feel free to come join in, and choose a side of either the Synagogue of Satan (accusers) trying to kill everyone or the Heavenly team trying to save humanity (Revelation 3:9-12).

This afternoon 7th has implemented a no personal insults rule for everyone; so hopefully if they can keep to that, it might create more logical discussion.

Because I've asked 7th & Olam to try to prevent Armageddon, they've also banned from me from speaking about them, their friends, & family.

N B with U
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