Oneness - True Faith
Always learn how to stop something you start, first Posted on: 2007/5/17 11:57
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2945
Done this a few times in life where the first idea was to get moving...
yet then when it starts moving, how do you stop it....
Be careful in all of this, as in my references when I first started roller-bladeing couldn't get moving......
so like an idiot I went down a hill to get rolling......
only problem was as the curb approached......
really hadn't learned how to stop fast enough........
so as going down the hill will tell you, just went faster and faster and then super man impression across the curb with my hands, then being my breaks....Oops
Well in future realized try and learn how to stop anything, before you learn to start anything...

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