The 13 dimensions is something i've seen in my NDE, cross referenced with many religious ideas, especially the 10 commandments already fitting.
- Remember that the CPU is the only thing that is self existing, and that can be sure of saying 'I Am'.
- Don't worship Images, as everything is made manifest by the CPU.
- No bad harmony, as reality is all energy.
- Remember linear time is an illusion, and be still to reflect on it.
- Gravity is caused by bad deeds, thus clean within.
- All matter is one, be kind to all.
- All consciousness is interconnected, be true in mind.
- We can not steal a place within Infinity.
- Look at the bigger picture to see past the lies.
- Lose selfish desires to detach from the Matrix.
- Share unconditional love with all reality.
- Wisdom is found by seeking the core of Oneness.
- The CPU is interconnected to everything, it is only by letting go that it allows us to connect (Yoga).