Oneness - True Faith
Help Needed in Fixing a Religious Crisis Posted on: 2024/3/14 11:41
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2945
Dear Emanuel Tov,

I'm writing to you in the hopes you can take a look at something, that I've been discussing for years online with a professor of Kabbalah called The Seventh Beggar, and his friend with a masters in Talmudic studies called Olam Chesed Yibaneh; yet they claim they're not knowledgable enough on the subject, so to write to you, as you're one of the only people they can think of who might be able to assess the case properly.

There are many points I've been blessed with understanding, and would like to rectify; yet on considering that you're a Dead Sea Scroll expert, I'd like to start with one of the most crucial.

In the Dead Sea Scrolls 1QIsaa there is an additional yod on the word 'Marred' in Isaiah 52:14; which Martin Hengel and Daniel P. Bailey then translated as 'I anointed'.

Wikipedia - Isaiah_53 1QIsaa the Great Isaiah Scroll

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This is a translation I've worked out, based on what is known:

Isaiah 52:13-14 Behold, 'my servant' will deal wisely. He will be 'exalted' and lifted up, and will be very high. Just as many were astonished by him, for 'I anointed' him more than others appearance, and his form more than a son of man.

When this phraseology is returned to what was possibly there originally, it makes it that Isaiah is paraphrasing Psalms 89:19-21; where when we go from Isaiah 52:10-14, which includes the word 'Arm', there are then four keywords used the same.

Psalms 89:19-21 Then you spoke in vision to your saints, and said, "I have given strength to the warrior. I have 'exalted' a young man from the people. (20) I have found David, 'my servant'. 'I have anointed' him with my holy oil, (21) with whom my hand shall be established. 'My arm' will also strengthen him.

When this typo is fixed, it makes the ambiguity of who is the "my servant" in Isaiah 52:13 self explanatory; that it was king David appointed as the 'Suffering Servant', to act as high priest to the people, and then to return as the triumphant Messiah to bring in the Messianic Age.

This then justifies to me, why in Zechariah 12:8-10 it is king David that 'they mourn for, as the one that they pierced', and why in many places it says that king David will be appointed as the Messiah (Ezekiel 34:23-24, Ezekiel 37:24-25, Jeremiah 23:5, Jeremiah 30:8-9, Jeremiah 33:15, Hosea 3:5, Isaiah 55:3, Isaiah 22:22, Isaiah 9:6-7, Revelation 5:5, etc).

In Isaiah 52:10 I believe the wording 'Yeshuat Eloheinu' was a specific reference to the naming - where Yehoshua two thousand years ago was the flesh of David, with the spirit of Salvation placed within him.

Now before I'm starting to sound like a Christian, where it comes across that I think we gain atonement from the death of the Messiah, I do not, as I understand that the authors of the Gospel of John, Paul, & Simon petros were Pharisaic, and corrupted the original Gospel as prophesied.

Where they've created a Covenant with Death about the Messiah, as prophesied in Isaiah 28:9-19; this is stated as the Bed of Adultery in Isaiah 28:20-21.

In Isaiah 53:1 it stated, 'who would have believed the 'Rumour', and to whom would the Arm of the Lord be revealed'; the Bed of Adultery in Isaiah 28:9-19 goes from 'Rumour to Rumour' - where in Ezekiel 7:26 it uses that same wording, and declares that Judgement will come for having corrupted these things.

According to prophecy because people have made this Covenant with Death about the Messiah, it says they will be condemned for it, and Judgement will come because of it; yet I do believe this is fixable through education, and so I'm writing to you in the hopes, that you can help give some scholarly authority to where I believe these things have become confused.

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