Oneness - True Faith
jesus has joined the forum Posted on: 2006/4/23 11:02
Not too shy to talk
2006/4/23 10:58
From Heaven
Posts: 37
Hi, jesus has joined you. Let's start ...

Profile: jesus | PM

Peace B with U
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Re: jesus has joined the forum Posted on: 2006/4/23 12:36
2004/3/26 7:04
From Nottingham, UK
Posts: 2945
Welcome to the site, as you see the forum has just been updated again, so now the welcoming function works like it should again, plus the whole site works better overall.

Just to make sure no one else takes the name Jesus to be clever, it belongs to the site as a name.

So welcome the real messenger of Yeshua, what do you have to say?

N B with U
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Re: jesus has joined the forum Posted on: 2006/4/23 12:37
Not too shy to talk
2006/4/23 10:58
From Heaven
Posts: 37
Even though we personally hate that name as it has nothing to do with us, our name is Yeshua, meaning Salvation in Hebrew, which then makes sense.

The only reference I know to the name Jesus in the Bible that is correct is Bar-Jesus who was suppose to be a fake prophet in acts?

So why the name change I think it's another scam by the church to hide the truth its funny.

As in the books of zeceriiah who they murdered it does say Yeshua, the way through it which is my real name.

From all prophecy and just the way it is, it's like you have prison where people are supposed to be there to reform and learn new skills, to improve their charcter.

Yet what has happened is the guards of the prison got greedy.
They realised they could get paid for doing nothing and receive the benefits.
So instead of leaving the book, which was supposed to help them find a way out hand to have faith in something higher then them, self's.
They changed the book to have faith in the self's again, yet not just once these greedy guards, with out realising, do it again and again.

So what happens well the good get out early on good behaviour and get to the enjoy freedom.

Yet the rest remain stuck in a prison that if the guards gave people the opportunity to reach for something higher, to understand they were once free yet lost the way.

Then may be we could start reforming the prison bit by bit, yet to do this we need unity and we can't have unity whilst we have conflict separating the whole prison.

It is the guards best way of stopping us fixing the mess, yet the don't mean to they think they are doing what is best.

It's the warden who misguides them using their own egos to drive them to do what is wrong, yet without realising so others accept it as the way.

So how do we fix a prison so big, well we start with love and kindness, by showing how the book is wrong it shows why, people shouldn't be that way?

Then they can begin to unite as their beliefs are the same, so they don't see each other as strangers when they are not.

Then we need to exchange the guard system, it needs to be a democratic communism like it would be in a prison.
That the prisoners are given responsibility, so they can help them selves, in doing so becoming better people.
That they don't want to destroy things as they make them, not that guard stands over and enforces, yet teaches them how to cope in the real world.

As they should know them self and if the guard isn't worthy it shouldn't be a guard.

I am sadly disappointed at the amount of guards I see that I know, pretending to be prisoners, and leaving prisoners to be guards.

So lets get our act together we all know how, it is written on your DNA so you can't really forget it can you?

Your DNA is like a prison code that each of us has, this is also like a word that evolves as you grow.
So you become a dynamic multi-transcendental Strand as each part of the system unlocks the security code to it is self, which can be pass by overcoming obstacles or tests that you were put in the prison, in the first place for.

Hope that bit makes sense, as it is complicated what I am trying to say, another way to put this is...

We are all Characters, in pages in the book of life.

You leave the book when you realise your role, with in the storyline of the book; then help to improve the story, if you can and when you can.
A letter doesn't make a word though in its self unless it realises something's like:
Y U?
Y I?
Y 1?
U C?
U R 3!
(Just playing the book is far more complex then that, ancient Hebrew or hieroglyphic is a good way to start, Chinese and Japanese also, any pictographic writing.)

If people want to take for them self's, the judge will get them and they come back and do more time their choice, this is the way of the prison

Yet people need to recognize this, yet the prison warden helped them forget by getting rid of any chance them remembering, by murdering anyone in the way.
So that because without fear there is nothing, for the prisoners to work towards they don't try, they have been told they will be freed, yet by whom and for what?

They will be freed as a man was murdered by them, this doesn't make any sense better have a rethink.

So yes you should fear, as if you are not responsible for every word, action and thing you do whilst in prison the Judge is watching you all times on CCTV, so don't think you get away with anything.

If you want to know why the judge doesn't help the prisoners always, well if the judge did what would happen?

Would the prisoners reform?

So when the judge can the judge will pass on messages to the guards he has in place, yet many are not working or forgot they are guard as the fake guards have established them selves instead of them.

So rather then blaming the judge for not help you, you should be helping the judge so you get off quicker on good behaviour.

Not spend your time writing letters to the judge asking for things, yet by your actions whilst in the prison, the judge will let you free.

People thinking once they get out of prison that's it they are free, yet if you remain bad, yes you go back in.

So this is the reality of what we live in, those who stay and return are shepherds and farmers, within the prison making food and tending to other people needs.

Helping to make the prison a better place!

Yet the guards insist on trying to make us have an ego, like their warden does to them, all passed on, like pass the parcel with no one realising.

You see by the warden getting us to be separate and not join he gets more money, more for the guards, and less hope of us being released on good behaviour.

Because if you put any animal in a situation where it is trapped and contained it will fight.

So this how they use us to fight us, so how do we beat it? Be free of their games!

Don't rise to the bait, they taunt you with it is this way, they offer you things in a hope of trapping you with them.

Some of these included:

"Come on he died for you, join us he is our God."

"Your sins are forgiven you and you will be ok, no matter what you do in here as long as you are with him."

Now in question to both of them when does a prisoner become a judge?

It doesn't you need a clean record to sit in a house of law.

How can a prisoner help you escape?

They don't it is the height maximum security prison there is

So what can they do?

They can get out and personally go and talk to the judge and ask if he would forgive the person on the fact that he knew them whilst in the prison and they did try to do it right.

This is all a prisoner can do, and does.

As trust me this is a court attendant talking and the final say always goes to the judge no one else.

It's like the defence giving the verdict, it would spoil the case as it would be bias and court is fair, in the respect of this court.

So who are we to judge in a prison we were put here we are no better then the rest, you can't say you are friends with someone on the outside as you are inside.

So what you going to do, fill your cell with tons of stuff or change your ways help others in the prison and become a better person.

Then if you are lucky, the judge will be kind and move you from a harsh prison to an easier one until you understand why you are there.

Then when your finally ready which for some of us can take a few sentences as we keep doing recurring crimes that we are not aware would spoil everyone else's freedom.

Then we are final get released and trust me we will throw the biggest party for you, as we love it if we get more people as more seem to be in prison then released now a days.

Maybe we feel if we fix the guide book to the prison, they may understand better.

We keep sending our court officials into the prison on missions many have been lost as it is violent.

Allot of the prisoner see it as a threat to give up the need for things in the prison, yet if we had a community in there why would we need a TV and video in our cell?

We wouldn't we could mix with each other and give the prison a new lease of life, as the way it is looking they may close the prison soon.

As it is non profitable and a lot of people just don't understand what they are in there for and mainly down to the prison guards not telling them why.

You see instead of these guards looking at individual cases they look at the whole.

They tell each one it need the same thing, they even sit them down in large groups and preach it to them as to save time.

Yet forgetting each one has a different problem, each one has a test they must over come, and be responsible for.

Yet they don't see that, as they get money for sitting them in large groups and force feeding them with brain washing until the give in.

When they do finally believe that a prisoner will get them released and the judge finds out, that because they murdered his now closer friend after what they put him through to be released, the judge is not impressed as this means that they still don't understand that murder is a long term prison sentence.

Since whilst his friend was in there, he did tell them, that if they thought it was good a anything dies, then they would be guilty.

Yet as soon as the guards got rid of him for starting this community the guards didn't want.

They thought they better stop it, before it took over their control of the prison, so they murder his closest friends, who knew the most he taught.

Then to stop the general people, they told them the complete opposite and the wrote it all down, they made sure this was passed down from prisoner to prisoner, so it was accepted.

Now it has gone on so long, everyone has forgoten the guards have this control over them.

Yet the prisoner on a mission, is back!!

Peace B with U
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Re: jesus has joined the forum Posted on: 2006/4/23 16:46
Just can't stay away
2005/12/31 8:22
Posts: 90
Welcome Jesus from Heaven!

I was curious if you were Jesus from Mexico? I have two friends who spell their name this way and pronounce it in Spanish.

What have you come to share with us?

Many of us have grown wild and rather untamed in your absence, we appreciate the free will we all have to decide for ourselves, ultimate truth.

Yet, too many priveleges, so many choices, unlimited abilities to choose have left many unable to understand the full consequences of their actions. Many do not grasp the concept of responsiblity. So many of the parables go as yet unsolved.

Are we too remain forever in babble?

Love and Gratitude,
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