Change Log
A Continuing Change Log of Wizanda SVN
Stripped most files in all systems and different code
themes run off .theme.tpl and admin.tpl
templates run off tpl instead of html
templates use foreachq and includeq {(Smarty Xoops Plug-ins)}
Tag's search repaired with times included and blank userID, CSS header made to include lots of CSS and easy changing of pages, plus easier redesigning by others.
MyDownloads redesigned and MyLinks more items less unwanted space, tpl
centralized XMLines templates, tpl
XMBmemberstats working with 2.2 and cleaned blanked out for aim,yahoo etc at present..yet will be added.
Newbb 3.0.8 modernized, cleaned, fixed in place, tpl
XoopsPolls cleaned, Serach added, tpl
Wiwimod all editors fixed, CSS header tpl
Xoops Bug reports W3C fixed
+ loads of fixes all the way through